The newspaper ad may have been effective in 1990 when daily newspaper circulation in the US was over 62 million, but with that figure now less than 20 million and declining rapidly, newspaper alone is no longer practical. 2, When requested, the practice should provide the departing physician with the contact information of his/her patients to ensure the departing physician is allowed to fulfill patient notification responsibilities, and to avoid TMB disciplinary sanctions for the remaining physicians and possible legal risk to the practice. 3. Thus, non-competition and non-solicitation clauses act together to prevent an employee from stealing the employers clients and staff and starting a new venture in the same industry or field. Such clauses generally cover a specific geographic area and period of time. Unless your employment agreement provides otherwise, you may be able to notify patients that you are leaving the practice . This will most likely include an employment agreement, a shareholders agreement (if the practice is a corporation) or an operating agreement (if the practice is a limited liability company) and, in some cases, a deferred compensation arrangement., NMAC states, Whenever possible, active patients and patients seen within the previous three years must be notified at least 30 days before closing, selling, relocating or leaving a practice. Also, we advise that a letter is sent to all patients seen within the last year with the same information and possible suggestions for other physicians., State advises, It is the Boards position that due care should be exercised when closing or departing from a medical practice. All patients of record who have not requested their records 30 days before the person discontinues the medical-practice business or leaves the State must be notified by first class mail by the person to permit that persons patients to procure their records.,, Florida Statute Title 32 Ch. A physician may choose whom to serve. Notifying Patients of a Doctor's Retirement You may have observed that communicating with your patients about your leaving is essential in each of the processes we covered above. Your careful attention to these details will ensure a smooth transition to a new practice. Except in cases of death or other incapacity of the practitioner, practitioners may not abandon a patient or abruptly withdraw from the care of a patient. It is imperative patients are notified well in advance of closure to ensure they have access to their medical records for continuation of care. Notify other patients who won't be receiving a letter by placing a notice in the local newspaper with the largest circulation, putting a sign up in the lobby and preparing a patient handout. The notice to patients should be a minimum of 30 days. The American Medical Association's Ethical Opinion E-7.03 provides that "[t]he patients of a physician who leaves a group practice should be notified that the physician is leaving the group . While some employers will contractually agree to pay tail insurance in certain events, a thorough review of your employment agreement, and sometimes the shareholders or operating agreement, will determine who is responsible for procuring tail coverage. An official letter to your patients is highly recommended. This blog is made for educational purposes and is not intended to be specific legal advice to any particular person. Are you a healthcare provider considering a new employment agreement with a non-solicitation clause? URMC began receiving calls from patients who were upset that their confidential medical information had been disclosed without their permission. This notice shall be no less than two columns wide and no less than two inches in height. Thus, regardless of who is responsible for procuring tail coverage, that party should provide a certificate of insurance to the other party. Drafting the Notification Letter . A physician in a multi-physician practice is retiring or leaving the geographic practice area. Abandonment also occurs when a physician leaves the employment of a group practice, hospital, clinic or other health-care facility, without the physician giving reasonable notice and under circumstances which seriously impair the delivery of medical care to patients.,, State advises, Publish a notice 90 days before closing a practice in a newspaper with statewide circulation, including information on how patients can get their medical records (when a physician is deceased, the heirs or the estate must give the same public notice within 90 days); Send a letter to patients that have been seen within the past year notifying them of the practice closure.,, State advises, Doctors should advertise in all papers, and notify all patients (no matter how long ago treated) the letter of closing. The American Medical Associations Ethical Opinion E-7.03 provides that [t]he patients of a physician who leaves a group practice should be notified that the physician is leaving the group.. Why? It is, however, not uncommon for employees to solicit the departing physician prior to departure. Failure to comply with the time limit requirement of this Section shall subject the denying party to expenses and reasonable attorneys fees incurred in connection with any court ordered enforcement of the provisions of this Section. It is not just a piece of advice but also a legal requirement by several state and federal laws., The Vermont Guide to Healthcare Law by the Vermont Medical Society advises, In order to avoid a claim of abandonment, the physician should take several steps to terminate the physician-patient relationship. Can Physician Assistants Own Independent Medical Practices? If the restrictive covenant specifically prohibits the physician from treating patients he saw while employed with his former employer, there is case law that indicates a physician may not be able to treat the patient regardless of who establishes first contact. All returned mail should be kept in patient file. The answer is yes. Mustafa Kinaan has shown his dedication to the Central Florida community throughout his graduate medical education (GME) journey. Before you make any decisions, revisit your employment contract and your states laws regarding the issue. Such property is confidential and, therefore, not to be used or disclosed following termination of the providers employment. If you fail to give notice, the practice could claim breach of contract, with damages equal to the cost of hiring a locum tenens physician to fulfill the remainder of your term. Understand who owns the chart. Does a heath care practitioner have to accept new patients? Contact information that enables the patient to obtaininformation on the patient's medical records. Non-Solicitation and Confidentiality Clauses. a physician departing a practice to notify her patients that the physician is leaving, the address of the new practice, and offer the patient the opportunity to have medical records forwarded to the new practice. If you are planning to make such a move, or to ask one of your partners to leave, follow these steps to avoid getting burned. There may also be different rules for different types of medical facilities or practice types, such as hospital vs. private practice, or psychiatry vs. dentistry. How long must a healthcare practitioner maintain a patients records? You'll quickly notice that it's actually not a letter that talks about a physician leaving, rather it's a new doctor welcome letter. Can a heath care practitioner refuse to treat a patient? The answer is yes. Physicians are under a tremendous amount of pressure in todays health care environment as costs escalate, reimbursement declines and the malpractice crisis continues. This will ensure that your departure date does not result in unnecessary forfeitures. In Illinois, as in many other states, patient abandonment is not only a form of malpractice; for physicians, it is also grounds for disciplinary action against ones license. 2. If you had signed a non-compete, you would refer them to the other providers in your practice. Please contact [emailprotected]. What if a given non-solicitation provision does not restrict a providers right to notify patients of his or her departure? We are looking for outstanding providers with leadership experience, who are committed to delivering high quality and compassionate patient care, to join our team. In this instance, the departing physician and/or practice should send a letter notifying patients of the change, and offering to provide continuous care for the patients, or offering to transfer records to another provider upon request. Those remaining in the practice must be careful not to interfere with the departing physician fulfilling these responsibilities. 3. If you didn't sign a non-compete agreement, you can notify your patients that you're leaving and tell them where you're moving. The usage and disclosure of patient information, including patients medical records, are often limited by another form of restrictive covenant in employment agreements: confidentiality clauses. Is a list of patient names without information about the patients medical condition considered PHI? The physician fails to give the patient at least 30 days notice in advance of the date on which the physicians withdrawal becomes effective. Recent changes to Board rule 165.5 have expanded the exceptions to providing notice to patients.. A physician is not required to provide notice of his or her discontinuation of practice to patients if the physician: treated the patient while in a locum tenens position at a practice location for a period of no longer than six months at that location. Courts have, however, held physicians liable for breach of non-solicitation agreements and misappropriation of trade secrets when Here are several keys to handling the transition appropriately. In these cases, patients do not expect the same provider to perform related services in the future. When possible, the outgoing provider should try to time their exit so that patients can arrange continuity in care. Failure to practice in an acceptable professional manner consistent with public health and welfare within the meaning of the Act includes, but is not limited to: (j) termination of patient care without providing reasonable notice to the patient. Laura Hale Brockway is the Vice President of Marketing at TMLT., Additional Resources: The Missouri State Medical Association offers, Be sure to notify your patients regarding your retirement. 7. It also informed URMCs workforce of its policy that information regarding continuity of care was to be communicated to patients by URMC, not the individual health care providers. Negotiations over non-solicitation restrictions can play out like a game of tug of war. This means that if a malpractice event occurs during your employment but the claim is not filed until after you have left the practice, the malpractice insurer will not cover that claim because it was not made during your term of employment. The California Medical Board ("CMA") advises that patients should be notified of changes in the medical practice and recommends "that due care should be exercised when closing or departing from a medical practice." It is not just a piece of advice; several state and federal regulations make it a mandate. Hear from top leaders in medicine Some employment agreements indicate that the practices general policies and procedures may be applicable even if they are contrary to the physicians employment agreement. For example, including the date in which your Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) license will expire within the notification message could help patients avoid unexpected disruptions in access to life-saving medications. Physicians are generally required to notify patients directly through one or more channels . The unique facts and circumstances related to a patients condition and care should be used to determine how much notice a patient should be given prior to the actual termination of the physician-patient relationship, and whether the physician should facilitate the transfer of care to another provider., While the KBHA does not make laws, this organization works closely with both bankruptcy courts and other official state resources, appearing as both a regulatory authority and an independent agency. The FMA also . For TMB rules on notification requirements and more, refer to Chap 165.5 - Transfer and Disposal of Medical Records. Dont risk falling short on your notification message which can result in charges of abandonment. is regulated by the Florida Board of Nursing. However, the information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for informational purposes only. The Physician should initially notify all patients by a letter which informs the patient of the date the physician will stop practicing and the method by which the patients can obtain their medical records or have them transferred to another physician.,, Code of Virginia 54.1-2405 states, No person licensed, registered, or certified by one of the health regulatory boards under the Department shall transfer records pertaining to a current patient in conjunction with the closure, sale or relocation of a professional practice until such person has first attempted to notify the patient of the pending transfer, by mail, at the patients last known address, and by publishing prior notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the providers practice area, as specified in 8.01-324.,, State Guideline Number: OP04-29 states, Practitioners continue to have obligations toward patients during and after departure from, or the closing of a medical practice. Mailing letters to every patient in your statutory retention window may not be effective either, especially if your state has a baseline of 7-10 years for medical records retention. Thus, their specialty naturally limits their exposure to allegations of patient abandonment when they leave their jobs. Copyright 2006 - 2023 Law Business Research. This material may not otherwise be downloaded, copied, printed, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any medium, whether now known or later invented, except as authorized in writing by the AAFP. Indeed, this may be especially appropriate when the employment agreement defines patients treated by the employee as the employers. In this way, the provider might avoid claims of patient abandonment. Approximately ninety days is suggested whenever possible. In this situation, the provider might not be precluded from soliciting that practices patients for services at the medical spa. When a physician retires or dies, patients should be notified and urged to find a new physician and should be informed that upon authorization, records will be sent to the new physician. This creates a quandary because although you may need new employees, you do not want to appear to be soliciting from the existing practice. The practice should also provide a script for receptionists on what to say. For many providers, mitigating the risk of patient abandonment requires formally ending the patient-provider relationship and providing information about how to receive the same or similar services. . Texas Medical Board. She can be reached at Generally, tail coverage costs between 1.5 and two times a physicians annual premium. These assets belong to the practice and cannot be taken by the physician without the practices consent. If you would like to learn how Lexology can drive your content marketing strategy forward, please email [emailprotected]. The notice should be in the form of a letter sent to the patient, preferably certified with a return receipt requested. Additional Resources: The Kansas Medical Society advises physician, Develop and send a letter notifying patients of closing date and contact information of the custodian., Abandonment is the unilateral termination of the physician-patient relationship by the physician without giving the patient adequate notice of such termination and without giving the patient sufficient time to establish a relationship with a new physician. Continued. A non-solicitation provision is usually triggered only by an action. State advises, Complaints of patient abandonment or neglect can be avoided by giving patients sufficient notice of the practice closure. 219, or send a letter to Harris County Medical Society, John P. McGovern Building, 1515 Hermann Dr, Houston, TX 77004-7126. Retiring members can reference our Retirement Checklist for additional guidelines and to find information about Tribute Plan award payments. One in five physicians say it is likely they will leave their current practice within two years. Keep a step ahead of your key competitors and benchmark against them. You and the practice have an obligation to provide proper care for your patients. For example, practices often agree to pay for tail coverage in the event that employment is terminated by the practice without cause. Notify Third Parties Dependent upon the provisions of contracts and state law, the insured physician and practice may need to notify various third parties. (ii) Publishing a notice in the newspaper of greatest general circulation in each county in which the physician practices or practiced and in a local newspaper that serves the immediate practice area; AND For some, challenges come from [], All businesses know that protecting vital operational data and records is paramount in the digital landscape. Don't worry, I did that on purpose. Learn practical ways to communicate with disruptive or angry patients. Some states dont specifically list steps for closing a practice, but simply note the requirements for terminating a physicians relationship to patients. Having undertaken the care of a patient, the physician may not neglect the patient. 1) The state has enacted law regarding patient notification. Often practices and departing physicians will agree on what to tell patients who inquire about the tenure of the departing physician. At our healthcare law firm, our clients frequently voice concerns over the non-solicitation provision in their employment agreements. Make reasonable efforts to directly notify patients treated within the prior six months letting the patients know about the manner in which the patient can obtain copies of his/her records. Many physicians believe these covenants will not be enforced; however, the courts in most states will uphold them if they are reasonable. When you compare any random series of practice types for example, psychiatry, dental, OB/GYN, or pain management you quickly realize a one-size-fits-all approach does not work for notifying patients of your closing practice. And 4) The state is completely silent on patient notification without any guidance available. Principles of Medical Ethics Opinion 1.1.5 (1) Notify the patient far enough in advance to permit the patient to secure another physician; and (2) Facilitate transfer of care when appropriate. Itshould not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. Your contract may contain provisions against your soliciting the employment of existing employees of the practice. By contrast, a non-solicitation provision prohibits the employee from soliciting the employers clients and personnel for other business or work opportunities. The key is to prevent patients from falling through the cracks because of tensions between the physician and the practice. In March 2015, the NP was preparing to leave URMC for a position at Greater Rochester Neurology (GRN). Rarely do practices agree that patient charts are the property of the employed physician. Even if a communication is arguably solicitous, it might fall outside the scope of a non-solicitation clause if it pertains to services not offered by the employer. While it may be convenient to resign shortly before Christmas so that you can spend the holidays at home, it could be a monumental mistake if it results in losing nearly one years worth of retirement benefits. Some states even require or suggest 30 days prior written notice before a departure so that patients will have sufficient time to transfer their records if they desire to change physicians. Once a decision has been made to discharge a patient from the p ractice, the practice will need to notify the patient of the termination in writing. Another helpful approach, particularly for specialized physicians, is to provide referrals to nearby practices or physicians offering similar types of care or services. In that circumstance, the list of names may be PHI. 5. Review your retirement plans. The NP was interviewed, suspended, and subsequently terminated. Water's Edge Dermatology, an AQUA Dermatology portfolio practice, is Florida's largest and mostSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. If the practice has social media, post the notification message there as well. In addition, an individual letter is to be sent to each patient seen within the three years preceding the date of discontinuance of the practice.,, Delaware Code Title 24 1761 states physicians discontinuing business: shall notify that persons patients of record by publishing a notice to that effect in a newspaper of daily circulation in the area where the person practices. The legal guidelines regarding patient notification vary for each state. According to, Schneiderman, Other medical centers, hospitals, health care providers, and health care entities should view this settlement as, a warning, and take the time now to review and amend, as, needed, their own policies and procedures to better protect private patient information., Law Enforcement and Healthcare: When Consent, Privacy, and Safety Collide. 2) The state offers guidelines, but without any statutory requirements or law enforcing notification practices. As we were assembling the resources for this document, we were amazed at the level of vague, incomplete, and even inaccurate material on the internet regarding notification requirements for closing medical practices. Questions? It is important to be mindful when reviewing sample closure letters floating around on the internet that most fail to consider many items beyond closure date and how to obtain copies of medical records. (C) Notifying patients seen in the last two years of the physician's discontinuance of practice BY EITHER:
notifying patients of physician leaving practice florida