Dimensions basically the same as the British Duty Bugle As a modern military signaling instrument, it dates from about 1750, when Hanoverian Jger (light infantry) battalions adopted the semicircular copper horn with widely expanding bore, used by the Flgelmeister, an official of the hunt. 3. The calls are grouped as regimental calls, field calls, and routine calls. (A crook is usually a pig-tailed piece of tubing.) brass instruments. Funnily enough, even though the tuba is the lowest-pitched brass instrument, tuba in Latin means trumpet. Like its brass family siblings, the tuba produces sound through lip vibration into its mouthpiece. There is no record of any contract for a so-called M1855 British Duty Bugle for US use during the Civil War and no specification for its construction in any US Quartermaster record. TapsBugler provides our services and information free of charge. Their small 10 to 12-inch bells make them more mobile than most orchestra tubas. Later that century, the slide trumpet paved the way for the trombone, the only brass instrument without valves. // -->